Are you an expert or do you need one?

For Insurance Intermediaries

Insurance Audit Services

The NICExperts’ focus is to shift the perception of animosity that audits carry. We encourage clear and concise communication; ensure scope of work matches required outcomes; and engage in open discussions around findings to generate resolutions. As a team who assists with third-party relationships, we want our team to be your team. Addressing difficult questions and tough messages is common for us. With continuous improvement as a common goal, we want to help strengthen relationships. Our specialists
relate to all levels of the organization and our value is the unique talents and technical expertise our team of specialists bring:

  • In depth understanding of insurance markets and processes.
  • Triage needs in order to design programs tailored for your organization.
  • Thorough identification of key risk exposures and inefficiencies.
  • Measurement of strengths and weaknesses to drive effective cost-efficient change.
  • Creation of alternate solutions with innovative thinking.
  • Technical expertise in various disciplines, specialties & languages.
  • Independent and objective advice and perspective at all levels of the organization.

Peer Review & Agency Audits

Our specialists help design, implement, train, and carry out internal agency or delegated authority audits either independently or as partners of the agency’s own team. It is our opinion the most successful peer review programs are carried out regularly and encourage open communication to focus training and development opportunities for MGUs, MGAs, Wholesalers, Agents, Brokers, and Third-Party Administrators (TPAs). Agency audits often incorporate various other audit services such as:

  • Agency/Brokerage Technical File Audits & Analysis
  • Delegated Authority Technical File Audits & Analysis
  • Operational Reviews
  • Compliance Review
  • Bordereaux & Reporting Reviews

We tailor audit requirements to meet our client’s specific needs and bring regional knowledge and expertise to each engagement. Our team helps bridge potential gaps to encourage effective communication and suggest improvements which combine compliance and efficiency.

Navigating Delegated Authority

Our clients may hold the pen for domestic and international insurers which results in multiple and sometimes conflicting requirements. With a tailored approach, our specialists set agencies up for success by balancing existing operations against new contractual requirements.

It is our belief that proper planning saves time, money and effort in the long run. If there are challenges in a relationship, we can help navigate recommendations to address all partner needs.

Operational & Enterprise Risk Management Reviews

The status quo may currently be the right solution but looking forward this may not always be the case.
We are the team for those:

  • Going in a new direction
  • Acquiring additional staff
  • Considering new systems or procedures, markets or products
  • Looking to implement best practices, standardizing policies and procedures
  • Implementing master/certificate programs

Our team has decades of experience working for and consulting with insurers, MGAs, and brokerages of all sizes across North America, which allows us to bring a fresh viewpoint to the table. We help prioritize and focus internal ideas and can inject external ideas. Not only have we seen what works well in insurance offices but more importantly, we know what does not work. Let us share that knowledge!

Custom Consulting Services

We help our clients be their best by:

  • Providing an impartial or expert opinion, or specialized experience to move a project along.
  • Closing knowledge gaps from new systems or processes or even the loss of a key staff member
  • Designing and implementing tailored training and development programs and seminars
  • Assisting with product reviews by comparing wordings, contracts, and leases

Our network of independent insurance specialists provides a wealth of experience at your fingertips, removing the need to recruit, hire, or add permanent staff to get you over the hump. We fill the gaps.

Custom Consulting Services & Training

With a wealth of experience at your fingertips, independent insurance specialists provide an impartial or expert opinion to move insurance and risk management projects along.

Custom Consulting Services & Training

With a wealth of experience at your fingertips, independent insurance specialists help you get over the hump, fill the gap, or help out until you find an expert of your own.

Underwriting & Claims Technical Audits

With subject-matter experts in multiple fields and disciplines, technical underwriting & claims file audits span a diverse range of portfolios.

Custom Consulting Services

Be your best with an impartial or expert opinion to move projects forward, assist with new system implementations, or discuss risk management, claims, and underwriting questions with an impartial third party.

Sales Training and Brokerage Relations

With a wealth of underwriting, claims, and intermediary experience, independent insurance specialists help mutuals achieve volume targets with sales training focused on building broker relationships.

Strategic and Operational Reviews

With decades of experience working for and consulting with stock and mutual insurers in addition to insurance agency and brokerage operations, NICExperts help prioritize and focus internal ideas to improve operating efficiencies.

Commercial Insurance – Underwriting Audit and Training

With a wealth of underwriting and claims experience, commercial insurance training is customized to commercial lines portfolio results. Audit results help focus training, wording, or operational changes to offer better risk selection and portfolio management.

Home, Auto, and Farm Insurance – Underwriting & Claims Audits

With subject-matter experts in multiple fields and disciplines, technical underwriting & claims file audits span a diverse range of personal and farm portfolios.

Part of the Team

Call us to supplement your insurance or risk management tea, discuss alternate insurance solutions, design or implement new insurance systems, or help implement insurance best practices.

Enterprise Risk Management Reviews

Quick Summary: With the ability to work with any insurer or intermediary on your behalf, NICExperts help identify, understand, and analyze risk exposures to discuss appropriate and cost-effective controls including insurance and non-insurance solutions.

Commercial Insurance Services

With no strings attached and no capability to place your insurance, NICExperts arrange remote or on-site visits to assess potential risk exposures or review contracts, policies, or wordings.

Operational & Enterprise Risk Management Reviews

With decades of experience working for and consulting with reinsurers, insurers, MGAs, and brokerages of all sizes, NICExperts bring fresh ideas to improve delegated authority and internal operating efficiencies.

Navigating Delegated Authority

Taking on delegated authority operations for the first time requires proper balancing of existing operations against new contractual requirements. A well-researched plan saves time, money, and effort in the long run.

Peer Review & Agency Audits

Design and implementation of, and training on internal or delegated authority audits independently or as partners of the agency's own team.

Insurance Audit Services

With the goal of continuous improvement, peer review or internal audit programs focus on clear & concise communications to work within existing best practices. Standard or tailored scopes of work handled remotely or on-site, are available in English or French. Licensed professionals familiar with local regulation are available on request.

Custom Consulting Services

With a wealth of experience at your fingertips, independent insurance specialists help you get over the hump, fill the gap, or help out until you find an expert of your own.

Expert Witness

Fact-based opinions are measured against relevant and appropriate professional, regulatory, and industry standards to assess technical and operational strengths and weaknesses.

Pre-Agency, Due Diligence & Run-Off Reviews

Focus is to work with onboarding teams to ensure early success before delegated authority partnerships begin or when contract changes require follow up review.

Operational Reviews

With decades of experience working for and consulting with reinsurers, insurers, MGAs, and brokerages of all sizes, NICExperts bring fresh ideas to improve delegated authority and internal operating efficiencies

Bordereaux & Reporting Reviews

Focus is on bordereaux trends, outliers, premium funds tracking, claims fund management, and satisfactory reporting requirements. Custom reviews and beta testing is available for on-line systems

Agency Compliance Reviews

Compliance reviews focus on corporate ownership, company policies, and testing of regulatory, legal, tax, and licensing oversight.

Peer Review and Agency Audits

The most comprehensive reviews can include a mix of multiple functional areas including company, compliance, underwriting, claims, operations, IT, bordereaux, and accounting.

Insurance and Audit Services

With continuous improvement and relationship building as a common goal, Delegated Authority or Internal Audits focus on clear & concise communications to generate open discussions about findings and resolutions. Standard or tailored scopes of work, remote or on-site, are available in English or French

Lloyd’s Coverholder & Third-Party Administrator (TPA) Audits

Focus is to work with onboarding teams to ensure early success before delegated authority partnerships begin or when contract changes require follow up review.

Lloyd’s Operational Reviews

With decades of experience working for and consulting with Lloyd's Managing Agents, Coverholders, DCAs, and brokerages of all sizes, NICExperts bring fresh ideas to improve delegated authority efficiencies.

Lloyd’s Bordereaux & Reporting Reviews

Focus is on bordereaux trends, outliers, premium funds tracking, claims fund management, and satisfactory reporting requirements. Custom reviews and beta testing is available for on-line systems.

Lloyd’s Underwriting & Claims Technical Audits

With subject-matter experts in multiple fields and disciplines, technical underwriting & claims file audits span a diverse range of portfolios.

Lloyd’s Compliance Reviews

Compliance reviews focus on corporate ownership, company policies, and testing of regulatory, legal, tax, and licensing oversight.

Lloyd's CH & Delegated Claims Administrator (DCA) Audits

The most comprehensive reviews include multiple functional areas including company, compliance, underwriting, claims, operations, IT, bordereaux, and accounting.

Lloyd’s Delegated Authority Insurance & Audit Services

With continuous improvement and relationship building as a common goal, Delegated Authority Audits focus on clear & concise communications to generate open discussions about findings and resolutions. Standard or tailored scopes of work, remote or on-site, are available in English or French.